
Saturday 17 May 2014

Shelf Candy Saturday #1

Shelf Candy Saturday #1

I have decided to take part in this meme hosted by A Night's Dream of Books.
This meme involves you to post up one extraordinary book cover a week with if possible some information on how the book cover was made.

Without further a due, my first Shelf Candy is.............


Why This Cover????
Why not??? This cover is absolutely amazing. It is the Bloomsbury USA Childrens edition and I think that this cover blows all the rest away. Look at that art and then the background just highlight the very, if I may say, badass girl in the centre. 
I haven't read this book yet, but I have it on my shelves and I can admit fully that I got it because of the cover :p Don't judge!!

Unfortunately, I know nothing about the covers designers or anything but I will make it part of my mission for this week to find out!!

So guys, post and comment below, let me know what you think about my choice and what you think of the other Throne of Glass covers. :) 


  1. I haven't read this book yet, but I've wanted to for a while now, and I had never seen this cover, but omg it is so much more beautiful than the other one with the picture! It makes me want to read the book even more, honestly

    1. I love it too :p Now I have to get the orange one to suit cause I'm weird like that :p Thanks for commenting :)
