
Monday 27 October 2014

Chills and Trills Read-A-Thon #ReadingCram Update

Chills and Trills Read-A-Thon #ReadingCram Update

Hey guys!!! I just wanted to do an update seen and all there are just 5 days left to the read-a-thon and well ya, I am behind schedule, as always!! I'm halfway through Feed by Mira Grant and should hopefully finish it on Tuesday and then get Deadline read by Friday. I don't think I will get to my last book Blackout but if I don't it will definitely be the first book I read in November!!!


  1. Keep at it, and I am sure you can do it! I hope you are enjoying the books you are reading, and I look forward to that review!

    Check out my double giveaway and review:

    1. Ya hopefully :P Thanks Olivia!!! And I am loving the books!!! They are amazing!!
