
Saturday 18 October 2014

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Amazing Noelia over at A Day In Bookland nominated me for this award!!! I can't believe it!! :D Thank you so so so so much Noelia!!

What you have to do is the following!!
1) Thank the blogger that nominated you and link back to their site
2) Post the award's logo on your blog
3) Answer the 10 questions you've been asked
4) Nominate 10 bloggers
5) Set 10 new questions for your nominees

1. Besides reading, what other hobbies do you have?
Well, my hobbies include.......reading, nah, I'm joking, I read the question :P I enjoy nature and wildlife photography so so much as well as drawing in pencil. Those two things would be my main hobbies after reading. I suppose you could throw in blogging when I have the time :P

2. If you could travel through time, which period of time would you go?
I love those old historic times where there are lots of balls and dresses and scandals, so I guess I would go to that time. 

3. The meaning behind your blog name?
You know, this question should have a meaningful answer and all I can say is that that was the first thing I could think of. I'm very crappy with giving things names and well, if I dwell on it for too long, I get highly frustrated so it was the first thing that came to mind and I stayed with it.

4. When do you normally read? At night or whenever you have free time?
Whenever I get the time really. On college days some bit in the morning while I'm waiting for it to start and then at night when I get everything done. During the weekend, any time really. 

5. If you find yourself in a zombie apocalypse, which 5 fictional characters would you like to have on your side to help you fight off the zombies?
Ok, here we go!!
1. Cassie from The 5th Wave
2. Em from All Our Yesterdays
3. Kira from Partials
4. Will from The Infernal Devices
5. Celeana from Throne of Glass

6. Do you listen to music while reading?
No, that would be highly distracting. I'm actually finding lately that I don't listen to music that much any more and when I do want to listen to a song, I daydream, missing the whole, have to put it on again and the same thing happens again!!

7. Favourite book of your least favourite genre? (does this make sense? I hope so)
What's my least favourite genre?????? I love fantasy and historic fiction and dystopia and all them genres so I'd have to say my least favourite genre is Contemporary. My favourite book from Contemporary genre is The Fault In Our Stars because well I haven't read that many books in this genre O.o I have a few on my wishlist now though and I really want to read Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson and Falling Into Place by Amy Zhang and oh oh I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson.

8. Book that left you feeling like an emotional wreck?
That is an easy question and it was Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. I've never been so heart-broken!!! I literally felt a pain in my chest when I finished that book and for two whole days I was in a complete book hangover. That had never happened to me and I have yet to see it happen again.

9. Do you hate a book everybody seems to love or the other way around?
I really, really, really hated Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck. I couldn't even finish the book....A lot of people seemed to like it though. Another one is Beautiful Creatures. I read that the whole way through but it was so hard to get through.....

10. Would you rather have a book with a closed ending or one with a little cliffhanger that would imply the possibility of another book?
That depends....If I know there is another book already in the making, or if I have the second book, I love cliffhangers, they just drive you towards the next book. If it's a book where there's no mention of a sequel, I would definitely prefer a closed ending.

The Bloggers I Nominate Are:
(I don't think I know 10 bloggers to nominate but I'll see how far I go :P)
  1. Constance @ Craving Books
  2. Jayne @ BookingAwesome
  3. Bookmarks and Blogging
  4. intothemindofareader
As for my 10 Questions, they are::::
  1. What's the weather like where you are right now? (Random Question, there's a storm on right now where I am.)
  2. Would you ever go on a book buying ban or do you really need to go on one?
  3. What's the next book you really, really want to read?
  4. What is the best fandom ever in your opinion?
  5. Do you prefer books being turned into movies or tv shows?
  6. Favourite reading place?
  7. Who is your top OTP?
  8. Do you schedule what you're going to read or just go with the flow?
  9. Would you follow the hype of a book or steer clear of it?
  10. Have you ever read a really hyped book and hated it? And if so, what book was it??


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me! My post is up!

  2. Thank you so much for answering the questions! Your answers were great =)

    It's so cool that you can draw! I'm horrible, believe me hahahaha I think Will has to be one of the best choices to fight a zombie apocalypse, I can't say much about the others because I haven't read those books (oops!) Oh, The Fault in Our Stars was just fantastic. Contemporary is also my least favourite genre but from time to time I read them and sometimes I find true gems like the aforementioned book =P
    I feel you about Clockwork Princess... the epilogue was too much for my heart. I cried like a baby for hours, it truly was beautiful and heart-breaking at the same time (sometimes I do hate Cassandra LOL)

    1. Haha thanks!!! :p
      I just have to find the time to get back drawing again. I can't remember the last time I drew something.
      You must read those other books!!!
      Yesh!! Another person who doesn't read much Contemporary. I thought I was a loner on that one :p
      Yes, definitely, it's a love hate relationship....

  3. Thank you so much! I'm almost done answering your questions, I'll probably post it today or tomorrow!
    I love these time periods too. Kind of like in the Luxe series? It just seems so cool.
    And oh, Clockwork Princess. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. It was beautiful and terrible at the same time...

    1. No problem!!! Can't wait to see it :D
      I know and I have yet to finish that series O.o I've made a plan to finish all the series I've started before the year ends :P Well all the ones I already have the books for :P
      I know, such a tragedy :'(

  4. Great tag! I have to say, we share a lot of things! I don't like listening to music either as I am reading, it is too distracting. And I read whenever I get the chance, to keep up with review requests! Even as I am brushing my teeth sometimes xD

    1. Yay!!! I know, it is sooo distracting because you're trying to read words and different words are coming in your ears, it's a word rush!!! I just find it hard to fall into the story with music on or anything.
      Haha, I haven't got review requests yet :P I'm just trying to get through my TBR :P
