
Monday 11 May 2015

Bout of Books 13.0 - Challenge #1

Bout of Books 13.0 - Challenge #1

The first challenge of the Bout of Books 13.0 read-a-thon is hosted over at the blog Writing My Own Fairy Tale and you can find the post about the challenge here

The challenge is simple, just answer the Bookish Survey!! So let's begin :D

1. How do you organise your shelves?
I organise my books depending on the mood I'm in but I do have some general rules when orgainising my book such as :
  • All books in a series must be kept together.
  • Where at all possible, heights of books on a shelf must be the same.
  • Books must match or compliment each other on the shelf.
  • Read and unread books must be mixed up together (or else I would be highly stressed due to my massive tbr!!!)

2. What is one of your favourite books that is not in your favourite genres?
I would have to say that one of my none favourite genres is Contemporary / Realistic Fiction and well I read Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson and it has become such a  favourite of mine that I even made Morgan Matson an auto-buy that I'm now looking for her previous books to buy and read. 
3. What is the last 5 star book you read?
The last book I gave a 5 star rating to was A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. I really, really enjoyed this book and it was such a monster of a book too, but I still can't wait till next month to begin A Clash of Kings. 

4. What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
I'm most excited to read Scarlet by Marissa Meyer which I am currently reading and loving!!

5. What book do you recommend the most? 
I haven't recommended a book for a while now but I constantly recommended Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong and still do because I just picked up the sequel Empire of Night today and really can't wait to begin reading it!!


  1. I love Scarlet! I hope you enjoy it, because that series just keeps getting better and better. Cress is definitely my favorite so far! And I love that you have to mix up your read and unread books, or get stressed by your TBR. My TBR is also gigantic, so I totally know how you feel! :P Good luck with the read-a-thon!


    1. I've finished it already and I absolutely loved it!! I really need to get my hands on Cress now and Fairest!!
      Haha ya my continous tbr stress :p Do you mix them too??? :p
      Thanks and you too!!!
