
Monday 22 June 2015

Crazy For Summer Read-A-Thon - Day 2 (Poetry)

Crazy For Summer Read-A-Thon - Day 2 (Poetry)

Today's the second day of the Crazy For Summer Read-A-Thon and today's challenge is to write a poem in the style of George Ella Lyon to express your feelings and thoughts about reading, blooging and books and how they have affected you in your life. 

I'm not the best with poetry, but I'm giving this challenge a go so here it is!! :)

I am from books, from walker and bloomsbury.
I am from the land like no other, where people live a thousand lives through the eyes of others.
I am from the trees, the breathing pulp that creates the soft, comforting feel of the pages between my fingers. 
I am from reading before bed and turning the lights down low, from dreaming of Will, Karou and Snow.
I am from getting lost in the words and forgetting about reality. 
From 'You have too many books' and 'Don't spend all day reading'.
I am from a complicated relationship, that makes me jump for joy and breaks me into pieces. 
I'm from a different world, a different time, past or future.
From the no more room on my shelves to the having too much room.
I am from a world like no other and one I will never leave. 

And click here for the template that I used also :P      

Thank you!!


  1. Wow, your poem turned out to be really cool! My favorite line is the one about the trees--that was a really unique part of the book world to include :)

    Max @ Crazy for YA

  2. I am really loving these poems :) thank you for sharing. Happy Readathon!

  3. Karou! I love the line From 'You have too many books' and 'Don't spend all day reading' because it's so true. Mostly I get "You've read how many books today??" Loved this poem! Everyone has impressed me so much.
