
Thursday 14 July 2016

Liebster Award - June 2016

Liebster Award - June 2016

Thank you to the lovely Louise @ No Books Given for nominating me for the Liebster Award!

The rules are as follows:
  • 1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
  • 2. Answer the 11 questions that the blog gives you.
  • 3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • 4. Nominate 5-11 blogs that you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers.
  • 5. Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
  • 6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

Question Answers:
1. What sparked your passion for reading?
I alwayss read as a child from books like Animal Ark to Dolphin Diaries and all that type of books but what really started my YA reading crazy fanatics was Twilight. I saw the film in the cinema, found out it was a book and just went from there and here I am!

2. What is your favourite reading spot?
Hmmm, well the place I mostly read is in my room on my computer chair so that must be it!

3. What is your favourite cover art ever?
Too hard of a question..... but I absolutely love this cover recently!
Days of Blood and Starlight (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, #2)

4. How do you deal with your TBR shelf?
I don't... I have all my TBR organised on Goodreads, I've recently made a TBR jar that I pick one book a month from. I now have my TBR books seperate from my read books which gives me motivation to read what I have as I am really picky about keeping series and same authors together so this nearly drives me crazy but it is nice to see how many books I have left to read. I also try to minimize my physical TBR by not buying as much books but I haven't succeeded in that yet...

5. Best book you read in the past year? (No rereads)
The best book I've read in the past year, hmmm, can I pick more than one? No... then it'll have to be, so hard.... -
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

6. Who is your favourite booktuber?
I actually have a lot of favourites but one of those favourites is whittynovels!

7. First book you ever read?
I have no idea... Not the first book ever. But Twilight was the first YA book I read and the first book that started my Goodreads journey too.

8. What is your go to reading snack?
Anything with chocolate in it!

9. Why is reading important to you?
A lot, it is a way of entertainment, escape, an addiction and just something that I thoroughly enjoy.

10. Where would you be without reading?
Honestly I don't know. I don't know what I'd be doing with all my time. I'd probably have a lot more money but other than that I have no idea. It's such a big part of my life, I can't imagine what I'd be doing without it. 

11. What is your favourite thing about yourself? (Not book related but still important to know).
Oh God, I hate these questions. They are even worse than the tell me about yourself questions. I love that I'm a compassionate person and animal lover.  

11 Random Facts About Myself:

  1. I'm 20
  2. I have one younger brother
  3. I have six pets
  4. I live in the countryside
  5. I finished school two years ago
  6. I got my first job back in March 2016 and now work full time
  7. I'm applying to go back to college to study Veterinary Nursing
  8. I have weird eating habits 
  9. I always bring my brother to see the kids movies I want to see like The Secret Life of Pets, Ice Age 5 and Finding Dory
  10. I have just started journaling (thanks to whittynovels) and have nearly finished my first one 
  11. I can never think of 11 random facts...

Blogs I Nominate Are:
A Day In Bookland
Lissette's Labyrinth
Crazy For YA
Craving Books
Book Lovers Blog

11 Questions:

  1. Where is your favourite spot to read?
  2. What do you prefer - Series or Standalones?
  3. What book are you currently reading?
  4. What was the last book you read that you absolutely loved?
  5. If you could take three things with you to a desert island, besides books, what would they be?
  6. Which author would you want to meet the most?
  7. What book are you highly anticipating for the end of this year?
  8. Have you been to any book conventions or events? If not, are you planning to?
  9. What are your other hobbies besides reading?
  10. What fictional character would you like to meet the most?
  11. And simply because I'm running out of questions, tell us something about yourself?


  1. Thanks so much for nominating me! I have been a long-time reader of your blog, so I am really grateful that you thought to nominate me.

  2. Thanks for the nom! I did this a while ago but thanks again for thinking of me for this :) and good luck with applying to go back to college ^^
