
Sunday 18 January 2015

Book Review - More Than This by Patrick Ness

More Than This

Author: Patrick Ness

Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction, Mystery.

Published: May 1 2014

Pages: 480 pages (Paperback Edition) (Walker Books Ltd)

Read: January 2015

Rating: 5 Stars

A boy drowns, desperate and alone in his final moments. He dies.

Then he wakes, naked and bruised and thirsty, but alive.

How can this be? And what is this strange deserted place?

As he struggles to understand what is happening, the boy dares to hope. Might this not be the end? Might there be more to this life, or perhaps this afterlife?

Book 3/60 - 2015 Goodreads Reading Challenge

This book was an impulse buy. I actually didn't even pick it out!! My six year old brother did when he was getting The Incomplete Book of Dragons as they were on the offer of buy one, get one half price, so why not?? So, I got this book late in 2014, maybe in August or September possibly, I can't really remember. Anyway I am really happy that I got this.

I've been dying to read this book for ages. I even planned to read it before 2014 ended but it wasn't the right time. January was the right time though.

I must admit, this is my first ever Patrick Ness read... I know, that's sad, but anyway I went into this book thinking it was a Contemporary / Realistic Fiction read. From the blurb, that's what it seems, but damn I got a lot lot more. I don't even think I can class this book as the above genres. Actually I can't. So for those of you, like me, who think this book is a Realistic Fiction / Contemporary, we're wrong, instead this book is a Science Fiction, Mystery, which is amazing!!!

I was taken on a complete emotional roller coaster with this book and I have to say I enjoyed every bit of it. The only downside to this book was where the hell was the rest of it. It just ends and I wanted so damn much more. I wanted to know more, but by God, it was still an amazing book. 

Every character was so well developed, so unique, that it was as if they were living, breathing people that I knew personally. I felt like I could pluck them straight from the page and have them just appear right in front of me. 

And the concept behind the story. Breathtaking. This made me think so much and I mean I was awake in the middle of the night thinking about the concept behind this book. I sat in my college classes thinking about this book when I should have been paying attention. Alas it did not affect my performance in college but still you get my point, this book and what this book meant was on my mind constantly.

I enjoyed this book so much and you can be sure that even though it was one of the first books I've read in 2015 it will be mentioned in my best books of 2015 at the end of 2015. Wow so many 2015 there.... Anyway a truly enjoyable, deep, make you think book that I am going to constantly recommend from this point forth starting with you guys.

And since I have Patrick Ness's Knife of Never Letting Go on my shelf you can be sure I will be reading it soon!!! 


  1. I'm so happy you liked this! I've read all of Ness' YA books and this is definitely up there among the best for me. I actually really liked the ending. I think if we had discovered all the truth it wouldn't have been very realistic and, for me anyway, a little less satisfying. I thought the more open ending fit better with the story and I think it wouldn't have fit very well if the story had been tied up perfectly. Anyway, I'm glad you still loved More Than This. His Chaos Walking series is amazing too, you should definitely check it out, as I'm sure every single YA fan has told you for the last couple of years.


    1. I loved it!! And oh my God there's better??? :O
      Haha I enjoyed ending then and even more now as I think about it. Then it was a shock, now it fits with keeping the mystery of the book :p So ya I agree with you with the ending now :p It wouldn't have been real for us to know everything.
      I have the first book just sitting there on my shelf so I'll probably read it next month :)

  2. I'm so happy to hear you liked it! I have it on my shelves but I'm afraid of picking it up because everybody keeps saying the book is so confusing and I've heard mixed reviews. But knowing you love it, and since I loved loved loved A Monster Calls I'm prioritising this one as well.
    Thanks for sharing Sarah!

    1. You should read it!! There is some confusion but I think that was intentional and there to add mystery to the book. I loved it anyway :p
      Yay!!! You must tell me when you read it and what you think :)
      No bothers Noelia!!! :)
