
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Top Ten Tuesday #3

Top Ten Tuesday #3

Freebie!! - Top Ten Series I Need To Finish or Catch Up On!!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish and consists of them picking a topic each week for us bloggers to list our Top Ten.

I have a horrible habit of reading the first books or the first couple of books and then not going and finishing the series even though all the books are out!! I also take a long time to continue series as you will see below..... Here is my list:

1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy by Laini Talyor
I read both Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Days of Blood and Starlight but haven't yet got around to Dreams of Gods and Monsters even though I really, really, really want to read the book.... I don't know what's stopping me, like it is sitting on my shelf just waiting there. I'm just going to blame all the other books from preventing me from reading this one.

2. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
I have only read Shadow and Bone in this series and absolutely loved the book!! Both Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising are both out and Ive seen them around plenty of times but I just never both them yet....So at least these ones are not their sitting on my shelves but I really must continue with it.

3. The Lunar Chronicles by Melissa Meyer
I have only read Cinder in this series and I am really ashamed to say that. I should have kept up to date with this series since I bought and read Cinder a while before Scarlet came out but alas, Scarlet and Cress are both out with Winter just around the corner and I have none of these books bought yet....Oh the shame...

4. Partials Sequence by Dan Wells
I read and loved Partials just last year and can't wait to get my hands on the rest of the series. My only problem in doing this is that my editions of the books seems to be unavailable but I have to do a more thorough search and I will find them...

5. Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth
This is another one of my shames..... Everyone has read the Divergent series!!! Ya, well I ain't one of them. I read the first book Divergent just last year and do you want to know the funny part of this. I had bought the book way before there was even talk about a movie and then I didn't read it until the movie was out on DVD. I still haven't seen the movie so.... but I have now read the first book and I have to yet purchase the second and third, along with the book of novellas - Four.

6. Ashes Trilogy by Ilsa J. Bick
Ashes is the only book I've read out this trilogy so far even though I have to reread this again!! I was so hooked on Ashes that I bought both Shadows and Monsters the day of their releases but have yet to this day still have to read them.

7. The Chemical Gardens by Lauren DeStefano
The first book, Wither, I bought when it first came out and now the editions have changed so that the books out now are not the tall paperbacks to suit my first edition so I'm in a rut with this own. Mismatched series or not??? That is the question....

8. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
I loved the first book and am just apprehensive getting Pandemonium and Requiem because of reviews that were floating around. A lot of my bookish friends didn't like these last two books and some have even advised me not to bother with them, but I think I may sometime in the future.

9. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
I've read the first book and really liked it. I own the sequel but haven't read it yet and then there is a third book and plenty of spin offs to get to too...

10. Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant
This I bought the boxset of this and I read the first book Feed last year and I loved it, seriously loved t!! But it was a very heavy, hang-over book and I needed time before I started the next so I plan on reading the next two books Deadline and Blackout this year especially with the new book Rewind coming out soon in 2016!!


  1. Numbers 1 and 8 are ones I need to finish. And numbers 3 and 10 I need to start! Great topic!
    Check out my Top 10

    1. Thanks :) Yay!! At least I'm not the only one you has to finish them :p
      Cinder and Feed were amazing reads!! You should definitely start those series :)

  2. The only series I've read and finished were both The Grisha trilogy and Divergent. The first one, I enjoyed but the second one? It was a huge disappointment, not gonna lie. I hope you enjoy them both though =)
    I need to start reading the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, I own it! So I better pick it up soon

    1. Ya I know, there was a good bit of disappointment going around about the ending of The Grisha trilogy as well and I remember you saying that about Divergent but I'll just go and see anyhoo :p
      You must!!! If it's one thing you read this year it's Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I'll even make it a personal challenge from me that you have to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone in 2015!! And since you already own it you have no excuse :p

  3. Ooo, nice topic for the week!!! I like your list. :-) I have two different book series I want to finish in 2015... I still have the last book in the His Fair Assassin trilogy by Robin LaFevers to read and three books in the Den of Antiquity Series by Tamar Myers to read. Here's my TTT post for the week:

    1. Thank you!!!
      I've never read any of those books... I was looking into His Fair Assassin though, I may actually read that one when I've ticked off all of this list :p
      Thanks for commenting :)

  4. Thank you!! I loved your list too :)
