September 2015 Book Haul / Wrap Up
Oh boy, September, September, September, what did you do to me!?? September definitely screwed me over but it was so good!! No regrets!!
September 2015 Book Haul
- Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater
- The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell
- The Next Together by Lauren James
- Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan
- Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
- Ruins by Dan Wells
- Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
- Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
I have sort of started a book instagram. I don't post too regularly but I'm trying to spruce up my pictures if books as you may notice in the single book pictures on the side there but anyway.

The Wolf Wilder. The Wolf Wilder, I believe is a middle grade book. Although it's going around as Young Adult too so I'm not sure which genre this falls into. But anyway I went into the bookshop with a little bit of left over money and saw this book and just decided yup, you're the one for me! This book is just such a beauty and there are gorgeous illustrations inside too. I literally cannot wait to get into this book. And do you like my wolf cub teddy??? Isn't he cute :p

Apple and Rain. I bought at the Sarah Crossan signing because I was intrigued by this book and while I was meeting her I decided to get it and have it signed too!
Pandemonium. Sequel to Delirium. It's about time I got back with this series!
Ruin and Rising. This book finally released in the standard sized paperbacks here in Ireland so I could finally get it because I had both the previous titles in that size and I needed my series set to match, so yes I waited for this one to release besides I haven't read Siege and Storm yet either which I need to! What is wrong with me!!

Ruins. Ruins is the final book in the Partials Sequence Trilogy. I loved Partials and have and cannot wait to read Fragments so when I saw this book up in Dublin I jumped at the chance at getting it because if I didn't I 'd either have to order this online or order it from my local branch of the store because they wouldn't have stocked it. But yay! another series complete in this haul too!!

Ruins. Ruins is the final book in the Partials Sequence Trilogy. I loved Partials and have and cannot wait to read Fragments so when I saw this book up in Dublin I jumped at the chance at getting it because if I didn't I 'd either have to order this online or order it from my local branch of the store because they wouldn't have stocked it. But yay! another series complete in this haul too!!
September 2015 Wrap Up
September was quite an iffy month for the amount I read but here's what I read in September!
What Was Read:
- The Infinite by Lori M. Lee (4 Stars)
- The Rest Of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness (4 Stars)
- Divine Intervention by Edward Davies (2 Stars)
- Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine by Stephanie Tromly (5 Stars)
(All reviews should be posted soon)
Defeating My TBR Progress!!
I bought a heap of books, I read a small amount of books but I sorted through my shelves and decided to unhaul some books that I was never going to read (there is an unhaul post coming soon!) So at the moment my TBR is at 117 books to read!
Other News:
Currently Reading:
Book Reviews this month:
I posted no reviews this month. I just had a hectic month and blogging kind of hit a landslide.
I was at a book launch and signining this month:
- One by Sarah Crossan Launch Party
- Jandy Nelson Book Signing (Post Coming Soon!)
And lastly, memes, these were the only constant thing on my blog this month:
Top Ten Tuesday -
#18 - Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With
#19 - Ten Finished Series I Have Yet To Finish
#20 - Freebie - Top Ten Authors I Want To Meet
#21 - Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR
#22 - Ten Books To Read If You Like I'll Give You The Sun
Wishlist Wednesday -
#6 - Winter by Marissa Meyer
#7 - Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan
#8 - Rook by Sharon Cameron
#9 - Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Best of the Bunch -
September 2015 - Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine by Stephanie Tromly
- The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
- The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
- A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin
- Entangled by Cat Clarke
- Talon by Julie Kagawa
- Rumours by Anna Godbersen
- Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Book Reviews this month:
I posted no reviews this month. I just had a hectic month and blogging kind of hit a landslide.
I was at a book launch and signining this month:
- One by Sarah Crossan Launch Party
- Jandy Nelson Book Signing (Post Coming Soon!)
And lastly, memes, these were the only constant thing on my blog this month:
Top Ten Tuesday -
#18 - Ten Characters You Just Didn't Click With
#19 - Ten Finished Series I Have Yet To Finish
#20 - Freebie - Top Ten Authors I Want To Meet
#21 - Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR
#22 - Ten Books To Read If You Like I'll Give You The Sun
Wishlist Wednesday -
#6 - Winter by Marissa Meyer
#7 - Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan
#8 - Rook by Sharon Cameron
#9 - Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Best of the Bunch -
September 2015 - Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine by Stephanie Tromly
And that is it for my wrap up and book haul!!
How was your September??